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Ki Care

Facial Routine: Pack of 50ml Facial Moisturizing Cream with Jiaogulan and 150ml Facial Cleansing Gel

Facial Routine: Pack of 50ml Facial Moisturizing Cream with Jiaogulan and 150ml Facial Cleansing Gel

Lightweight for a perfect everyday wear.

Produced in an Eco-Friendly and Cruelty Free way.

Regular price €41,50 EUR
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Descúbre nuestra rutina fácial de día y noche para una piel perfecta!

Ki Care Crema Hidratante Facial 50ml. Con una pequeña cantidad en las yemas de tus dedos, masajea suavemente, siempre de dentro hacia fuera hasta la penetración del producto.

Ki Care Gel Limpiador Facial 150ml Ligero Sin Sulfatos. Aplicar una pequeña cantidad, dos veces al día, mañana y noche, sobre la piel de la cara ligeramente humedecida.

La limpieza facial diaria es básica para tener una piel sana y bonita.

Young Line

  • Tipos de Piel

    Skin types

    Recommended for normal and young skin. Combination, Oily or Dry Skin.

  • Beneficios


    Delay aging and improve the skin's adaptation to adverse circumstances such as stress and pollution. With antioxidant, soothing, anti-acne and anti-wrinkle properties. Thanks to the adatogens and sodium PCA, you will recover the skin's natural hydration that can be affected by the use of soaps and other aggressive products for the skin.

  • Size

    Moisturizing Cream: 50ml and Facial Cleanser: 150ml

  • Modo de Uso

    Modes of Use

    Apply a small amount, twice a day, morning and night, to slightly damp facial skin.


Learn about the natural ingredients that make up this product.

  • Lavanda


    Lavender soothes the skin, reduces redness and moisturizes, providing a soft and balanced complexion.

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  • Jiaogulan Planta


    Jiaogulan rejuvenates, moisturizes and fights the signs of aging on your skin.

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  • Vitamina E Capsulas

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E protects, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, fighting free radicals and wrinkles.

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  • Antioxidantes Moleculas


    Antioxidants protect the skin from environmental damage, revealing a more radiant complexion.

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Other Ingredients: Peppermint , Adaptogens , Erythriol .